SOAP note examples and templates

SOAP notes, a communication tool used for presenting information between healthcare professionals, is an acronym for subjective objective assessment and plan and is an important document in the Healthcare field. These documents are specifically used to track patient progress, record information, and communicate effectively in the healthcare landscape. In this blog post, we will explore SOAP note examples and templates.

How do I format a SOAP note?

Formatting a SOAP note is very beneficial in maintaining clarity and consistency in the documenting process of patient information.

Here is a guide on how to format a SOAP note:

  1. Heading

Begin with a heading that involves crucial patient information. Include the patient’s name, age, gender, date of birth, and date of visit.

  1. Subjective (S)

In this section, nurses record the patient’s reported systems and their perspectives. They include the patient’s complaint, medical history, symptoms, and any other important information given by the patient.

  1. Objective(O)

Contains measurable and observable data that is collected through physical assessments, lab results, diagnostic tests, and other additional tests.

  1. Assessment (A)

Provide the healthcare professional’s analysis of the subjective and objective data that creates a clinical impression from the information collected.

  1. Plan(P)

This sector provides the outline of the proposed course of action that will be needed to address the needs of the patients including treatment plans, medications, referrals therapies, and follow-up.

  1. Signature

This part contains a signature and date to specify the completion of the soap note.

How do I create a SOAP note template?

Creating a SOAP note template includes arranging the main features,–subjective, objective, assessment, and plan–into a structured order.

Below are steps to create an effective SOAP notes template:

  • Understand the format

Ensure you understand the soap format components before creating your template. Each sector has a specific purpose:

  • Subjective

Includes the unique experiences and feelings of the patients.

  • Objective

Provides the measurable, observable information collected during the examination.

  • Assessment

Involves the patient’s diagnosis or examination of their condition.

  • Plan

This section has the proposed course of action for treatment and follow-up.

  • Key elements

Identify the key elements and the relevant information for your healthcare field. These elements include chief complaint, medical history, medications, vital signs, physical examination findings, diagnosis, and treatment plan.

  • Make use of technology

Utilize word processing software to help you create a template. These will enable you to historically customize and share templates digitally.

  • Consistent layout

Develop a clear well-organized layout to improve readability. Describe each sector with headings and consider using tables for a structured presentation.

  • Subjective section

Record the crucial patient information like a chief complaint, history of current illness, past medical history, allergies, medications, social history, and family history giving an overall reflection of the patient’s background.

  • Objective section

Ensure you add physical examination results, Vital signs, and any related test findings. You should provide measurable data for an overall examination.

  • Assessment section

Record the diagnosis and consider including possible differential diagnoses to help you narrow down and validate the patient’s condition.

  • Plan sector

Highlight the treatment plan medications and other important follow-up requirements including referrals to specialists. This will act as a guide for ongoing care.

  • Review and customize

Review and refine your template constantly to make sure it aligns with the unique needs of your practice. Customize your work to enhance the efficiency of the documentation procedure.

  • Stay compliant

Observe the regulations and tardants of the Healthcare facility making sure that your template adheres to privacy and confidentiality guidelines.

What is the structure of a SOAP note?

A soap note follows a structured design, where every sector has a particular purpose:

  1. Subjective(S
  • Chief complaint

Brief reasons for the patient’s visit.

  • History of current illness

Comprehensive details on the present health condition.

  • Past medical history

Applicable or related medical history.

  • Medications

Provide a list of the present medication.

  • Allergies

State any known allergies.

  • Social history

Indicates the patient’s habits, lifestyle, and social support.

  • Family history

Include the medical history of the patient’s family.

  1. Objective (O)
  • Vital signs

State the recorded measurements such as blood pressure, respiratory rates, temperature, and heart rate.

  • Physical examination findings. Provide the objective observations from the examination.
  • Laboratory results

Indicate the results of the crucial tests.

  • Imaging report

Give reports from the diagnostic imaging, if necessary.

  1. Assessment (A)
  • Diagnosis

Indicate the assessment of the Healthcare provider on the patient’s condition.

  • Differential diagnosis

Provide a list of potential option diagnoses considered.

  • Relevant positives or negatives

Indicate the notable results supporting or disproving the particular diagnosis.

  • Severity

Indicate the stage of the illness.

  1. Plan (P)
  • Treatment plan

Provide information on the recommended treatment.

  • Medications

Indicate the prescription details.

  • Follow-up instructions

Include regulations and principles for the patient’s next steps.

  • Procedures

Indicate the planned procedures.

  • Patient Education

Information given to the patient for self-care

  • Referrals

Recommendations for consultations with other healthcare professionals or specialists.

  1. Provider’s signature

Indication of the healthcare provider’s home and signature, as well as the date of the note, showing completion and authentication.

What are examples of SOAP notes?

The following are some SOAP note examples and templates of various health conditions:

Example 1:Soap note example of a patient with a sprained ankle

Subjective (S)

  1. Chief complaint
  • The patient reports experiencing acute pain and swelling in the left ankle after twisting it while playing sports.
  1. History of current illness:
  • The pain is sharp and localized to the lateral side of the ankle
  • The patient denies any loss of consciousness, head injury, or other injuries during the incident.
  1. Past medical history
  • No previous history of ankle injuries
  1. Medications
  • No medication reported
  1. Allergies
  • He has no known allergies.
  1. Social history
  • Works as a sports trainer and confirms being injured during the activity.
  1. Family history
  • No applicable family history

Objective (O)

  1. Vital signs
  • Blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg, Pulse 76 bpm, Temperature 98.6°F.
  1. Physical examination
  • The left ankle is visibly swollen with tenderness and ecchymosis on the lateral side.
  • Limited range of motion and pain on weight-bearing.

Assessment (A)

  1. Primary diagnosis: Acute ankle sprain
  • The patient’s history of a traumatic ankle twist and clinical findings, including swelling and tenderness, are consistent with an acute lateral ankle sprain.
  1. Differential diagnosis
  • Fracture (ruled out based on initial assessment and lack of deformity)
  • Tendon injury (considered less likely due to the mechanism of injury)
  1. Clinical judgment
  • The patient has an acute lateral ankle sprain with no apparent fractures or severe complications.
  • X-ray is not immediately necessary, but will be ordered if symptoms worsen or fail to improve with conservative management.
  1. Severity
  • Mild to moderate

Plan (P):

  1. Treatment plan
  • RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) protocol recommended.
  1. Medication
  • Prescribe ibuprofen 400 mg orally every 6 hours as needed for pain and inflammation.
  1. Procedures
  • Provide ankle brace or splint for support.
  1. Patient’s education
  • Educate the patient on the importance of rest and gradual return to activity
  • Instruct the patient to use crutches for non-weight-bearing ambulation for at least one week.
  1. Follow-up
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment in one week to assess progress and adjust the plan as needed

Example 2:a SOAP note example For a patient with hypertension

Subjective (S)

  1. Chief Complaint
  • The patient reports occasional headaches and feeling more fatigued than usual.
  1. History of Present Illness:
  • Headaches have been occurring for the past month, denying any recent illness.
  1. Past Medical History:
  • Hypertension was diagnosed 2 years ago, on antihypertensive medication.
  1. Medications:
  • List of current antihypertensive medications, dosage, and frequency
  1. Allergies:
  • None reported.
  1. Social History:
  • Sedentary lifestyle, occasional alcohol consumption, non-smoker.
  1. Family History:
  • Positive for hypertension in parents.

Objective (O)

  1. Vital Signs
  • Blood pressure: 150/90 mmHg.
  1. Physical Examination Findings
  • No significant abnormalities were noted on examination.
  1. Laboratory Results:
  • If available, include recent lab results, such as cholesterol levels, kidney function, etc.

Assessment (A):

  1. Primary Diagnosis
  • Hypertension, uncontrolled.
  1. Differential Diagnoses
  • Consideration for secondary causes of hypertension.
  1. Relevant Positives or Negatives
  • Positive for occasional headaches, negative for chest pain, or shortness of breath.
  1. Severity/Stage
  • Stage 1 hypertension.

Plan (P)

  1. Treatment Plan
  • Increase the dose of current antihypertensive medication.
  1. Medications
  • Adjust [specific medication] to [new dosage].
  1. Procedures
  • Schedule follow-up blood pressure monitoring.
  1. Follow-up
  • Schedule a follow-up in 2 weeks to assess response to medication adjustment.
  1. Patient Education
  • Educate on the importance of medication adherence, and lifestyle modifications (e.g., dietary changes, exercise).
  1. Referrals
  • Consider referral to a dietitian for dietary counseling.

Provider’s Signature

  • Healthcare professional’s name and signature


  • Indicate the date of the note

Example 3: A soap note for a patient with a respiratory infection

Subjective (S)

  1. Chief Complaint
  • The patient reports a persistent cough, nasal congestion, and mild fever for the past 5 days.
  1. History of Present Illness:
  • Gradual onset of symptoms denies shortness of breath or chest pain.
  1. Past Medical History:
  • No known chronic respiratory conditions.
  1. Medications:
  • None reported.
  1. Allergies:
  • No known allergies.
  1. Social History:
  • Works in an office, non-smoker.
  1. Family History:
  • No family history of respiratory illnesses.

Objective (O)

  1. Vital Signs
  • Temperature: 100.5°F, Pulse: 82 bpm, Respiratory rate: 18 breaths/min, Blood pressure: 120/80 mmHg.
  1. Physical Examination Findings
  • Clear lung sounds, mild rhinorrhea, no signs of respiratory distress.

Assessment (A)

  1. Primary Diagnosis
  • Acute viral upper respiratory infection.
  1. Differential Diagnoses
  • Influenza, the common cold.
  1. Relevant Positives or Negatives
  • Positive for cough, and congestion; negative for chest pain or shortness of breath.
  1. Severity/Stage
  • Mild presentation.

Plan (P)

  1. Treatment Plan
  • Symptomatic relief with over-the-counter cough suppressant and antipyretic.
  1. Medications
  • Acetaminophen 500mg every 4-6 hours as needed.
  1. Procedures
  • None indicated at this time.
  1. Follow-up
  • Return if symptoms worsen or persist after one week.
  1. Patient Education
  • Emphasize rest, hydration, and good hand hygiene to prevent the spreading of the infection.
  1. Referrals
  • None at this time.

Provider’s Signature

  • Healthcare professional’s name and signature


  • Date of the note

To sum up

Soap notes are crucial in maintaining correct and organized patient records. These documents are also used as communication tools between healthcare professionals during practice. In this article, we have provided you with a guide on how to create a SOAP note template and given you examples to help you through the process.

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